Have You Made A Pregnancy Bucket List?

Pregnancy can be so focussed not the baby that more often than not mum can get left behind a little bit. Have no fear though we are here to give you some fab ideas on things you can do before baby arrives. We are great believers that you have to look after yourself to enable you to look after your growing family. So here are a few tips...

Book a holiday or a long relaxing weekend away

This can sound simple and something you have probably been doing as a couple. BUT once you fall pregnant there is always something to buy for the baby and your relaxation goes out the window. Make plans to have once last break as a couple to help cement you before baby arrives.

Buy YOURSELF some nice post baby clothes or squirrel vouchers away

There is nothing like having that boost post birth or during pregnancy. If you don't feel ready to get some new clothes now (especially during those final few weeks) invest in some accessories and then book a post baby personal shopper experience at a local store. Inshore personal shoppers are often free to use and they'll help you choose the perfect items for your post baby shape.

Spend some time just being

You'll be all too busy after the baby is here so making time to relax or just be can seem hard work but why not make a to watch or to read lis. Time for yourself doesn't always have to cost money and this nags like lie ins and long soaks in the bath with a book may seem like a distant memory soon. 

So what is on your pregnancy bucket list?

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