7 Ways To Refresh Your Pregnant Body

Top of your pregnancy to-do list should be to practice a bit of self-care. Looking after yourself and enjoying a bit of ‘me time’ is essential for your wellbeing, and you should never feel guilty about putting yourself first once in a while! Here are some simple everyday tips to refresh your body and mind while you’re busy growing a small person.

  • Get some sleep – it can be hard to have good quality sleep when you are pregnant, especially in the third trimester when it can be tough to get comfortable. Indulge in the odd lie-in and afternoon nap when you feel like you need it. A good support cushion in bed can help you feel more rested.
  • Eat well – following a diet rich in healthy nutrients and cutting down on the treats will give you more energy and you’ll feel better for it. Plenty of fruit and veg goes without saying but make sure you stay well hydrated too. Of course the odd treat won’t hurt….
  • Stay physically active – gentle non-impact exercise will help to keep you fit and strong ready for baby’s arrival and can help to alleviate some common pregnancy aches and pains. A yoga or Pilates class specifically for pregnancy is perfect to get some relaxation time too.
  • Get out and about – keeping up your normal activities like meeting up with friends or eating out doesn’t have to come to a standstill just because you’re pregnant. Maintaining your social life will help your emotional wellbeing and contributes to releasing those happy hormones.
  • Take a bath – so simple, but enjoying a relaxing soak can work wonders for tired muscles and joints, and gives you half an hour’s peace if you have older children!
  • Indulge in a massage – a full body massage will make you feel like a new woman, and a specially trained pregnancy massage therapist will ensure that it is done safely and comfortably for your bump.
  • Be mindful – taking a few minutes out of each day to sit and do some gentle breathing exercises, or even being creative with some adult colouring books, can help you to stay calm and focused when your mind wants to run away with itself thinking about all that baby stuff. Remember, looking after you is good for baby too!

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